My School period
My name is Deepak Shrestha. I started primary school when I was 6 years old. My
school Name was Shree girigoun primary school 15 minute far from my house. I
went kindergarten as a normal student. Then I upgraded for middle school. My
middle school level was pretty difficult for me because I was born in a village
that’s why I have done lots of house/agricultural work. Normally, I wake up at
6:00 am then take a cup of organic tea/milk and then go to agricultural work like
dig, plough, cut grass etc. If I am not interested in agricultural work I have to cook
food for my family. Normally, I choose cooked food because cooked food is easier
than agricultural work. If I cooked food I have a some time to play. If I go for
Agricultural work I have to do hard work for a long time. Normally, I have to work
till 8:30 then back to the house. I arrived house at 9:00 am from work. Then, I
prepared to go to school. Our School time was started from at 10:00 am to end at
4:00 pm. I reached school at 10:00 am study till 4:00 pm then back to house at 4:30
pm eat lunch then help the family for the work. If I don’t have any work I played
football, marble, basketball, dandi biyo( National game of Nepal), A custom etc. I
liked to play football. I went primary school as a good student. I got a fifth position
from the school. This is primary School so I have to leave the school for higher
school level education. I have to shift school in a city to get Higher school level
education. The school located at dhading beai. Dhading besi is a capital city of
dhading district. I shifted school for the higher education but It was really
challenged for me because my house was very far from the school. It takes around 2
hours to reach school. I ate rice at 8:30 am then go to school by one hour walk.
Someday I feel hungry when I reach school. First one month was difficult for me
because I have to walk 2-hour ups and down all the students are new. I don’t I
have any friends. All the students came from the village. We looked at each other
but we never talked. After two, three months we got a friends we knows the teachers
very nearly Then I feel better study well. I had passed higher school 4 th position.
Then Again I have to shift the school to get University lever education in
Kathmandu. I told my family I want the university level education. My father told
me you get higher school level education that’s enough, not need to study more I
can’t afford university cost and room cost. At that time I was shooked. Then think
about do some work in Kathmandu and study But I don’t have any connection
with ktm people. One day relatives came to my house. He lives in Kathmandu then I
told him I want to go ktm then work and study. He accept my request then after one
week transfer to KTM.
My University Period
I arrived at Kathmandu at night. I live with him. Then next day I saw lots of buses, cars,
motorbike and big buildings I never seen. He told me It takes around one week to get a job.
Finally, I get a job 5 th day in a restaurant for a helper. But the problem is I don’t know about
Kathmandu. Every day He takes me then leave at a restaurant. Also, he teaches me how to walk,
how can I find location and city lifestyle. After someday I know some peoples and places then
start to walk alone. When I start a job at that time I don’t know about computer, gas, oven etc.
Then start to earn some money after that admit the University (Tribhuban University) start to
university level journey. When I attend the first class all the students are very smart, handsome,
talent and friendly. I am an only one guy came from the village. All the days; teachers care to me.
Our university starts at 6 am end at 9:30 pm then back to room and change dress go then go for a
job. At that time also hard for me. Sometimes I feel I leave the job but I don’t have any way to
leave a job. then I spend some month there. After that also hard for me because the salary was very
small not enough to pay room rent, food and university bill. Also that time very hard for me. Then
decide to leave the job. Start new work trekking as a porter. I did all the trekking as a porter then take
A grade guide license then start guiding. Currently, I am studying MBA at Tribhuvan University and also planning to run Heavenly Nepal Tours.